Our #CanConnectEd Treasure Chest

This blog post is co-written by best friends, Nycol Didcote and Annick Rauch after attending Connect 2017 in Niagara Falls. At the beginning of the school year, we were searching for a conference to attend which would be worthwhile… so, we decided to ask for […]

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You Are Never Alone

Four and a half years ago, I was pregnant with my second son. Through social media, I found a group of women who were all also expecting in December 2012. I think that this is the moment in time that I realized just how powerful […]

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Takeaways & Lingering Thoughts

George Couros… he’s had quite the impact on my career in just a few short months. I only picked up his book, The Innovator’s Mindset, in September in order to participate in the first round of #IMMOOC, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Last week, I […]

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Growing Pains

When you know better, you do better… right? I would be inclined to agree with this statement most of the time, but not all of the time. Here’s why: this school year, I feel as though it’s been my biggest year of professional growth thus […]

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