Mental Health Matters #BellLetsTalk

“Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and […]

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ÉSCS Official Opening

Last week, on Thursday January 18th, École Sage Creek School had its Official Opening ceremony! It was absolutely moving to be in the gym which was filled with so many people; from parents, to students, to community members, to staff, to LRSD board members, to […]

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Keep Rolling Those Snowballs

This week, I came across this post on Facebook: “It is truly unbelievable that the use of cell phones is not banned in *name of district* high schools, universally.” It stopped me dead in my tracks. When I see things like this, I’m never sure […]

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Sharing to Support and Push

This morning, I came across this quote from “The Innovator’s Mindset” by Geroge Couros that I had shared a year ago. As I read it over again this morning, I struck a cord with me, even deeper than it had a year ago. Your voice […]

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P is for Passion #tlap

I have 4 boys plus one husband who are all hockey fanatics. Eat, sleep, play hockey. My boys spend the better part of their days playing hockey, whether it’s on the little hockey rink that my husband built in the back yard, on the mini […]

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