Breathe Amidst the Gasps

From March until the end of June, I did not breathe. I was constantly gasping for air. One gasp after another, to provide temporary relief that lasted seconds… until another gasp was needed. Repeat. Over and over. No exhale. Just inhale. Never a true breath. […]

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Just Breathe

To say that the last month has been hard would be an understatement. I thought things came in threes… but apparently they come in many more for me. And when bigger things happen, even the smallest things seem to be impossible to handle. How much […]

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Calm Down Breathing Strategies

Over two years ago, I wrote about the importance of social emotional learning and empathy, and also shared a follow up lesson where my students had created calm down strategies in order to help themselves self-regulate. Unfortunately, as I transferred my blog over and bought […]

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Calm Down Strategies

In my last post Social Emotional Learning & Empathy, I talked about the power of the Big Brain and Little Brain lesson. I also mentioned that Sheila Vick and her daughter Elsie, have helped all of my students learn more about the brain and their emotions. My students […]

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