
Phew, it had been over 3 years, but I was finally able to attend an in-person conference once again and headed to Teach Better 2022 last month. Tied to this trip, I was also able to run the Columbus half marathon with some amazing friends […]

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The Isolation Paradox

When my oldest son was born nearly 10 years ago, I felt completely alone. Isolated. Even the postpartum nurse who was supposed to come over and check in on us changed every time for some reason. There was no consistency in the help and advice […]

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“Just” #ISTE in Philly

Everything happens for a reason, right? I loved how my Uber driver reminded me of this when he was bringing my best friend Nycol Didcote and me back to the airport last week. I’m not an Uber expert, we actually don’t even have Uber where […]

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Connecting for the Greater Good

Anyone who knows me understands the value that I place on being a connected educator. I’ve blogged (and even sang) about this several times before, and my growth over the past year and a half has been exponential thanks to my growing PLN. I believe […]

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I’m In Love With Your Knowledge

This blog post was co-written by Nycol Didcote and Annick Rauch, best friends who always support, push and encourage one another. We are so lucky to be working together again this September at École Sage Creek School, a new school opening up in the Louis […]

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You Are Never Alone

Four and a half years ago, I was pregnant with my second son. Through social media, I found a group of women who were all also expecting in December 2012. I think that this is the moment in time that I realized just how powerful […]

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