Finding Joy Amidst the Struggles

It’s no secret that I am struggling… that most teachers are struggling right now. I shared in my last post, Will We, Though? that I’m not so certain that we will come out of this stronger, as most people say when talking about the hardships […]

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The Isolation Paradox

When my oldest son was born nearly 10 years ago, I felt completely alone. Isolated. Even the postpartum nurse who was supposed to come over and check in on us changed every time for some reason. There was no consistency in the help and advice […]

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The Necessity of Authenticity

Relationship might be my most used tag in my blogs, and it’s obvious why. I love how the quote above from The Innovator’s Mindset written by George Couros was represented visually in his latest book with Katie Novak, Innovate Inside the Box. It all starts with […]

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Math and the Limitless Mind

A couple of years ago, while participating in the third season of #IMMOOC (Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course), hosts George Couros and Katie Martin had Jo Boaler on episode 1, which was the first time I had gotten to hear her speak. It was […]

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Take a Step Forward

This past week has been emotionally draining with no sign of letting up. While my current goal is to publish a blog post every Monday (which I typically write ahead of time during the week prior), the days went by and I had no energy, […]

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The Power (or not) of Relationships

Most educators understand the importance of relationships. Relationships are the foundation that we need to build on in our classrooms and schools. I am much more receptive to critical feedback or even simply just learning something new if it comes from someone who I know […]

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Through the Eyes of a Child

One of my favourite parts of being an elementary teacher is getting to experience things through the eyes of children. When a student is beaming with pride and joy when she finally succeeds at something she’s been pushing through, or when another student’s eyes light […]

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Reflect. Share. Grow.

Blogging has become one of my passions over the last couple of years, and although I am certainly far from being an expert (who’s an expert anyway?), I definitely have some experience from both writing posts and reading a bunch of them. This post will […]

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