Math and the Limitless Mind

A couple of years ago, while participating in the third season of #IMMOOC (Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course), hosts George Couros and Katie Martin had Jo Boaler on episode 1, which was the first time I had gotten to hear her speak. It was […]

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Reflect. Share. Grow.

Blogging has become one of my passions over the last couple of years, and although I am certainly far from being an expert (who’s an expert anyway?), I definitely have some experience from both writing posts and reading a bunch of them. This post will […]

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How do you tackle challenges?

It’s spring break right now and I always cherish moments like these to recharge and spend quality time with my family. This year, we snuck away and are spending a few nights in Fargo. My husband and I joked today that we’ve been waiting for […]

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Rest or Restore? #IMMOOC

Last night, the #IMMOOC live Season 4 Episode 4 with Katie Martin, Eric Chagala, Kaleb Rashad, and John Spencer didn’t disappoint. Although John’s mic was pretty crackly, it seems as though it held out long enough for him to give his two cents on this […]

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