I Choose Interesting!

Yesterday, 2000 educators from the St. James-Assiniboia School Division and the Louis Riel School Division got to spend an incredible day of learning together, facilitated by James Nottingham. I didn’t know a whole lot about James before the day began, other than the fact that […]

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The Gift of Learning

Teachers wear many hats and parents wear many hats, too. What is becoming more and more obvious to me as my children go through school is that being a teacher and a parent comes with many challenges. I’ve written about some of these challenges in […]

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In Only One Year…

If you are open to it, inspiration can come from anywhere! This post is inspired by Dave Burgess, who is always willing to help me navigate these pirate waters, and by Timehop, the app that’s constantly reminding me where I used to be and how […]

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Creating Something Amazing #SageCreekLRSD

The newly hired staff of École Sage Creek School has been given an opportunity that not many educators have in their lifetime: we are starting a brand new school from scratch. Along with this very exciting task comes many unknowns, many challenges and many uncertainties. […]

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Our #CanConnectEd Treasure Chest

This blog post is co-written by best friends, Nycol Didcote and Annick Rauch after attending Connect 2017 in Niagara Falls. At the beginning of the school year, we were searching for a conference to attend which would be worthwhile… so, we decided to ask for […]

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Takeaways & Lingering Thoughts

George Couros… he’s had quite the impact on my career in just a few short months. I only picked up his book, The Innovator’s Mindset, in September in order to participate in the first round of #IMMOOC, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Last week, I […]

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Voice & Choice & PD

After reading this blog post by Dr. Brad Gustafson and Jessica Cabeen, I was in awe of how they had planned, organized and executed their PD days. I’ve done a lot of reading on professional development, and have learned a great deal, especially from the amazing Katie Martin (if you don’t follow […]

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