Where Will the Water Take You?

Standing on the river bank, I was listening to the calming sound of the water rushing by. The water was crystal clear and just beautiful (nothing like what we have in Winnipeg). I dipped one toe into the cold water and started thinking about how […]

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In Only One Year…

If you are open to it, inspiration can come from anywhere! This post is inspired by Dave Burgess, who is always willing to help me navigate these pirate waters, and by Timehop, the app that’s constantly reminding me where I used to be and how […]

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Creating Something Amazing #SageCreekLRSD

The newly hired staff of École Sage Creek School has been given an opportunity that not many educators have in their lifetime: we are starting a brand new school from scratch. Along with this very exciting task comes many unknowns, many challenges and many uncertainties. […]

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Twitterific #IMMOOC

As much as I’ve been talking up Twitter lately, I’m still super new to using this amazing tool and am constantly learning. I already know some of the great things that can come out of Twitter, but I’m far from knowing all of its amazing powers! […]

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Me, in my educational nutshell

Well, against all odds, here I go! But before I dig in, I think a little background information on my life is needed so that anyone who reads this will understand me! First and foremost, I am the mother to four beautiful boys! They are […]

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