Giving Grace Through the Exhaustion

Do you ever have those moments where you’re not exactly sure what’s going on, your mind is completely unorganized, you can’t think straight, and you can’t pinpoint it, but you’re feeling a little off, or lost, or “something”? I’ve been feeling like this a lot […]

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Just Breathe

To say that the last month has been hard would be an understatement. I thought things came in threes… but apparently they come in many more for me. And when bigger things happen, even the smallest things seem to be impossible to handle. How much […]

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Perfectly Perfect

After I finished writing this post last week, I came across Perfectly Imperfect by Beth Houf. Although our blog titles seem to contradict one another, I wholeheartedly believe that our imperfections actually make us perfect and that striving for perfection is one dangerous slope (that I […]

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Conscious Kindness Day #ConsciousKindness

This past Wednesday was United Way’s Conscious Kindness Day. As their website states, this day encourages everyone to “Help create a kind, caring community by planning intentional acts of kindness on May 15. Be (extra!) kind to friends, neighbours, co-workers—and strangers too—and share it with […]

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Calm Down Breathing Strategies

Over two years ago, I wrote about the importance of social emotional learning and empathy, and also shared a follow up lesson where my students had created calm down strategies in order to help themselves self-regulate. Unfortunately, as I transferred my blog over and bought […]

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Your Words Matter

Your words matter. To others. And to yourself. But being mindful of this isn’t necessarily an innate skill, it’s one that’s learned from a very young age, and habits are hard to break. I’ve recently watched the documentary “Heal” on Netflix which was completely eye […]

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Your Kid is my Kid: A Note to Parents

On a average weekday, I spend about 5.5 hours with my students, whereas I only get about 2 hours with my own boys, while feeding them dinner, cleaning up, bathing them, and doing homework, before they go to bed. These numbers aren’t surprising, but unless […]

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Challenges. Soft Skills. Growth.

Spring is finally upon us and with that, new activities begin. My three youngest boys start soccer this week, but my oldest decided against soccer this spring. Caden played hockey this winter (Go White Jets Go), and once the season was over, he was asked […]

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Mental Health Matters #BellLetsTalk

“Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and […]

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