You Are Never Alone

Last Thursday, I was anxious. Last Thursday, I felt like a failure. Last Thursday, I didn’t feel worthy. Last Thursday, I didn’t feel like enough. A few weeks ago, I was approached to see if I’d be willing to collaborate with a colleague from another […]

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Sharing to Support and Push

This morning, I came across this quote from “The Innovator’s Mindset” by Geroge Couros that I had shared a year ago. As I read it over again this morning, I struck a cord with me, even deeper than it had a year ago. Your voice […]

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How Can I Help?

This past weekend, my family and I went camping. As most May long weekends, the weather wasn’t fantastic. Thankfully, we enjoyed a day and a half of good weather before it turned really cold and rainy. We woke up Sunday morning to rain, and the forecast […]

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You Are Never Alone

Four and a half years ago, I was pregnant with my second son. Through social media, I found a group of women who were all also expecting in December 2012. I think that this is the moment in time that I realized just how powerful […]

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