
Phew, it had been over 3 years, but I was finally able to attend an in-person conference once again and headed to Teach Better 2022 last month. Tied to this trip, I was also able to run the Columbus half marathon with some amazing friends […]

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Breathe Amidst the Gasps

From March until the end of June, I did not breathe. I was constantly gasping for air. One gasp after another, to provide temporary relief that lasted seconds… until another gasp was needed. Repeat. Over and over. No exhale. Just inhale. Never a true breath. […]

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“Just” #ISTE in Philly

Everything happens for a reason, right? I loved how my Uber driver reminded me of this when he was bringing my best friend Nycol Didcote and me back to the airport last week. I’m not an Uber expert, we actually don’t even have Uber where […]

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Risk-Taking Made Easier

Risk-taking is not always an easy task. Staying in our comfort zones often comes more naturally. We can get caught up in the: “This is too scary.” “What if I fail?” “What will others think of me?” “Maybe I’ll just wait until… tomorrow, next week, […]

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Intent and Impact

Have you ever had anyone try to dismiss your feelings because they had good intentions? Or maybe it was the other way around, you used good intent as an excuse to validate your behaviour without considering how it impacted those around you. Don’t get me […]

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How do you tackle challenges?

It’s spring break right now and I always cherish moments like these to recharge and spend quality time with my family. This year, we snuck away and are spending a few nights in Fargo. My husband and I joked today that we’ve been waiting for […]

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