École Sage Creek School #SummerSelfieBingo Challenge #SageCreekSchool

SCS Summer Selfie Bingo

The staff of École Sage Creek School understands that building a great school climate and culture is our first most important task. Without it, it would be next to impossible to have the amazing school that we’re all planning to create. We know that building our school culture will take some time and that it has to involve so many different people (students, parents, the community, and staff members alike), but this doesn’t mean that we need to wait until September, when the school will be opening, to start! A few weeks ago, Matthew Arend shared this post on Twitter, and our staff immediately hopped on board! We thought: “What a fantastic opportunity for us to begin creating our school culture during the summer months, even before we welcome our very first students!” and within minutes, staff members were tweeting out their best #SummerSelfieBingo ideas for our very own bingo card!

The challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to enjoy the summer and to capture it while taking selfies and tweeting them for all to see (you can participate on Facebook and Instagram too!).

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Get on Twitter! (if you don’t have an account already, we strongly encourage you to create one… École Sage Creek School will be using this medium to share our learning with the world!)
  2. Click here to open your very own copy of the Bingo card – print it if you’d like!
  3. Snap a selfie while doing any of the activities listed on the bingo card and share it using the hashtags #SummerSelfieBingo AND #SageCreekSchool
  4. You need one selfies per bingo square – we want more pictures! 🙂
  5. Get a BINGO (and then keep playing to try and fill your whole card!)
  6. Have the best summer, and watch for ÉSCS staff members having a great summer too (find us on Twitter here and here)!

We cannot wait to see all of your selfies and to see you in September!

Click here to see the post on the École Sage Creek School website regarding the Summer Selfie Bingo.

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