The Short End of the Stick #gratitude #tlap

It’s 10pm. I’m at school, but that’s nothing new. I’ve picked up my kids from daycare, gone home, had supper, cleaned up, done homework with my eldest, folded laundry, and put the kids to bed… then I came back to work. That’s kind of been my norm since school started last week. To say that the last month and a half has been busy would be an understatement. Not only did I just start a new position in a brand new school that just opened up this September (which required many, many hours to set up my class, organize and plan), but I’m also moving. We are building our new house, which will be ready at the end of October, but we’ve already sold our current house and need to be out by October 1st. Thankfully, my parents have offered to take us in (my husband and I, and our four boys) for the month that we’ll be without a house… But that still doesn’t eliminate all of the stress of having to move — twice. Oh, and did I mention that I just started teaching in a brand new school? New school, new home! That is a lot!

Why am I going on and on about how busy I am? I assure you that I am not looking for sympathy, I fully knew what I was signing up for and am thoroughly enjoying it! So what is this blog post all about? Well, this past Monday, Dave Burgess shared this amazingly beautiful blog post: Who Do You Need to Thank? which was also the starting point for the amazing #gratitude #tlap chat that night. After reading the post, watching the video, and participating in the chat, it struck me how the people closest to us often get the short end of the stick – especially when it comes to gratitude. I feel as though I am generally good at making sure that people know that I appreciate them. I often stop and get coffees for coworkers on the way to work, or pick up someone’s favourite chocolate bar to leave on their desk, or write e-mails, texts, DMs, a blog post, and other notes to express my thanks and appreciation. But then, there’s my husband, who I KNOW doesn’t hear it often enough. In fact, I even caught myself a couple of weeks ago trying to make excuses for my lack of appreciation towards him: “You know I’m ridiculously busy so I’m sorry that showing you appreciation wasn’t at the top of my list” Ugh… brutal I know!

My Twitter bio states: “1/2 multiage teacher in LRSD, loving mom to 4 boys, wife to the man who allows me to do it all. Innovation in education is my passion, one step at a time.”

This is true in every sense of the word. I have four boys. I work full time, as a teacher, which educators know is more like working a job and a half. My life literally wouldn’t be possible without my husband. So this post, is an appreciation post for you Chris, because you deserve to feel appreciated for all that you do for me, for our family, but also for everyone else that I am able to impact – all because of you. I know that I’ve been working long hours, I know that I haven’t been present even when I am home, and I know that you’ve taken on so much more because of my shortcomings. I see how you are the glue that is holding everything together, and although I don’t say it enough (which I am working on, I promise), please know that I love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. The boys are I are so lucky to have you in our lives!

So, as Dave said, who do you need to thank? And don’t forget those closest to you who need to hear it just as much as everyone else. Don’t take what they do for you for granted, like I’ve done too many times before.

Show appreciation, it will lift others up, but it will do you some good too.

Image result for thankful quote


  1. Lance McClard

    September 13, 2017 at 10:34 pm

    Great post! I admire your dedication to learning and your awareness/appreciation of how those around you help in that endeavor. Kudos to Chris as well!

    1. Annick Rauch

      September 13, 2017 at 10:43 pm

      Thanks, Lance! Appreciate you, my friend! But that’ll have to be for another post 🙂

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