Health First #IMMOOC

The title of this post was originally “Mental Health First” but I changed it, because taking care of our overall health should always be our priority – which mental health is certainly a huge part of. There were so many amazing parts to this week […]

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Why do you persevere? #IMMOOC

Last week, in my post Not Easy, but Worth It, I wrote about the hard work that often goes unnoticed when looking at success. I wanted to build on this post because I’ve been thinking about reasons why people are more likely to persevere when […]

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Not Easy, but Worth It #IMMOOC

Think of someone who you look up to, someone you admire, someone who inspires you. Do you ever ask yourself how in the world they’re accomplishing all that they are doing? How are they so amazing? Do they have a magical gift or have some […]

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