Why do you persevere? #IMMOOC

Last week, in my post Not Easy, but Worth It, I wrote about the hard work that often goes unnoticed when looking at success. I wanted to build on this post because I’ve been thinking about reasons why people are more likely to persevere when things are so challenging and why people might throw in the towel and revert back to their old, comfortable ways of doing. In education, I think it’s easy to find excellent reasons why continuing on in the face of adversity is worth it. You don’t have to look very far when you remember our “why”. Our students are more than worth it. They deserve our best selves every single day. Doing the same thing tomorrow, without learning and growing, would be an injustice to them. But I wonder, although our students are at the center of it all, if it just came down to them, would we still continue to push and grow without quitting when the going gets tough? Or would we be able to make up some sort of logical reasoning (uhh okay excuses) in our heads that would trick us into thinking that what we’ve been doing all along has been working, therefore we don’t really need to change?

I personally believe that even though my “why” is a huge reason that I am always inspired to grow and do and be better, it isn’t the only thing that keeps me moving forward. In the last year and a half, my growth has been exponential, yet my why hasn’t changed. What has changed, however, are the relationships in my life. Now that I believe to be a much more connected educator, I am constantly growing and learning thanks to my amazing PLN (or PLFamily – so love how Tara Martin uses this). These people, most of whom I’ve never met, are always there to give me the encouragement and confidence I need to take new risks, try new things, and get fun new ideas that I can tweak to meet my students’ needs. I’m very fortunate because I have the most amazing PLN through social media, but I’m also surrounded by the most amazing colleagues who, like me, want to grow and be better.  These people understand my reality like no one else ever could – because they are going through the same things as I am while opening up a brand new school (which by the way, is so much harder than any one of us had ever anticipated).

So, we know that being innovative and taking the path less traveled isn’t easy, but what makes it manageable, for me anyways, is definitely my students AND my support system. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to advance and grow as quickly. Without you, I would spend so much time feeling alone and probably wouldn’t have the courage to try as many new things. Without you, I wouldn’t be as confident in myself as a teacher who isn’t settling for the status quo.

What are your reasons for continuing to go down the path less travelled, despite the fact that it is so much harder? I’d love to hear them!


  1. Lance

    October 28, 2017 at 2:40 pm

    Great post on a topic that touches us all. Everyone hits a point in the road where it is tough to continue to learn and implement what you learn. Knowing that I can be better and others have done what our school is capable of doing continues to push me. Support from many others that tell me that I’m not crazy for wanting students to be able to problem solve, persue their passions, use technology, and so much more makes the growth pains easier.

    1. Annick Rauch

      October 28, 2017 at 3:00 pm

      So true, Lance! I think it’s so important to consider who we’re surrounding ourselves with! Glad to have you in my PLN!

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