Week 2: Growth Mindset Read Aloud 3 #MindsetMondayLRSD

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Welcome to week 2 of our Growth Mindset Read Aloud 3 #MindsetMondayLRSD! We are so glad that you are continuing to develop your and your students’ growth mindset with us! If you are joining us for the first time, welcome aboard (and feel free to click here for more info on this read aloud)! Just a reminder that you can participate however it fits into your schedule; don’t feel as though you need to watch the video and answer the questions on Monday — you have all week! When answering the questions, please use the Q1 A1 format and don’t forget to include the #MindsetMondayLRSD hashtag. We encourage you to look through other classes’ responses too and comment to build on one another’s answers. Feel free to tweet out your extended activities as well, if you decide to do any!

For week 3, we’re in for a special treat! Nycol Didcote‘s class from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and Aaron Snyder‘s class from Holliston, Massachusetts, have gotten together to create a bilingual experience, so both English and French Read Alouds are available! Feel free to respond in whichever language you prefer! Here’s all the info you need for this week:

Week 2: January 20th – 24th

Hosting classes: Nycol Didcote‘s class tweeting from @MmeNycol AND Aaron Snyder’s class tweeting from @als5nep

Book: Come With Me by Holly M. McGhee published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers

Livre: Viens avec moi de Holly M. McGhee publié par Scholastic

Watch this week’s English Read Aloud video right here (French one below):

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Visionnez la vidéo française ici:

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Slow chat questions:

Come with me Introviens avec moi introCome with me Q1viens avec moi Q1Come with me Q2viens avec moi Q2Come with me Q3viens avec moi Q3Come with me Q4viens avec moi Q4Come with me Q5viens avec moi Q5Come with me Call to actionviens avec moi call to actionCome with me Outroviens avec moi outro

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