Stand Down or Stand Up?

My oldest son, Caden, plays U15 hockey. His league is comprised of 13- and 14-year-olds and this is the first age level they’re allowed to bodycheck. Caden is 13 years old which means this is the first year he’s playing with body contact. There’s a […]

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PheMOMenal Teacher

The moment has arrived… my book, PheMOMenal Teacher: Pursue Your Dreams and still Be Your Best Self at Work and at Home, is OUT!! I am officially a published author! Woah! The Secret Is…There Is No Secret Do you ever look to people you admire, […]

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Back to the Start

Here we are in another beginning-of-the-school-year season. For me, this marks year 13 of being in the profession, 12 of those being a grade 1 teacher, and one year being a 1/2 teacher. I know many teachers who love the thrill of changing grade levels […]

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Never Too Young to Lead

It all started when my class and I went on one of our community walks. This was happening because we were researching in order to answer the essential question: “What makes a good community?” so that we could then build our very own collaborative 3D […]

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Self-Care Is Not Enough

Recently, I wrote about my depression. It was important for me to vocalize that, although very hard, I needed to be able to put myself first. I deserved more and I needed to step back to catch my breath. I was worth it, and so […]

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You Can’t Stop the Rain

You can’t stop the rain. Whether it’s drizzling or pouring, you don’t have control over it. You can, however, grab an umbrella. You don’t need to get soaked. You don’t need to stand in the rain. But, what happens when it’s been raining for days, […]

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Starting the Year on the Right Foot

All educators know how important it is to establish class culture and expectations or agreements at the very beginning of the school year. Relationships come first, always, but building on those to make sure everyone feels safe in the classroom is essential. We want students […]

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Selfless or Selfish

I am selfless. I care a whole heck of a lot. I care what people think. I care what people do. I want the people around me to be happy, to be learning, to be cared for. I want them to feel loved and supported. […]

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Wellness and Self-Care Calories

I had just finished my 4th round of a pretty intense workout with my personal trainer, and I was feeling strong! I was amazed that I could do the exercises he had given me, including deadlifts, one arm planks in push-up position, hip thrusters with […]

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