Calm Down Strategies

In my last post Social Emotional Learning & Empathy, I talked about the power of the Big Brain and Little Brain lesson. I also mentioned that Sheila Vick and her daughter Elsie, have helped all of my students learn more about the brain and their emotions. My students […]

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Social Emotional Learning & Empathy #IMMOOC

In chapter 1 of The Innovator’s Mindset, innovation is defined as a way of thinking that creates something new and better. As educators, we are constantly having to reflect upon our practices to make sure that we are always doing what’s best for our learners. […]

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Balance vs. Meaning #IMMOOC

Last night, the first episode of season two of #IMMOOC went live and it didn’t disappoint. As always, George Couros and Katie Martin led a very inspiring discussion with guest speakers John Spencer and AJ Juliani that engaged and empowered their viewers. Although I participated in the first round of IMMOOC, this […]

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The Foundation for my Ideal School

I was recently asked to reflect and share my vision for my ideal school. Here’s what I came up with (the original French version is below): When I think of my vision of the ideal school, many thoughts come to mind. It would be awesome […]

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Turn Your Weakness Into Strength

Over the past couple of months, I’ve done a lot of soul searching and self reflection. As much as I am loving pursuing my passion in 21st century learning, I’m also loving all of the things that I am learning about myself in the process. […]

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Spreading the Love

As 2016 comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the year that was. It’s oh so clear to me how blessed I am and how much I’ve learned in a year that really has flown by. Being the person that I am, I […]

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