Digital Portfolios In 1st Grade #IMMOOC

Last year, thanks to my son’s amazing Kindergarten teacher, I discovered the app Seesaw (merci Réjean!!). The very night that I received the handout with the QR code in order to sign up to follow my son’s learning journal, I was hooked! Without even knowing all […]

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What if… #IMMOOC

As I get further and further into The Innovator’s Mindset book, I’m able to understand and put into words things that I’ve subconsciously known for a while. I am so fortunate to have learned so many incredible things from forward thinking educators that have shaped me, […]

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Twitterific #IMMOOC

As much as I’ve been talking up Twitter lately, I’m still super new to using this amazing tool and am constantly learning. I already know some of the great things that can come out of Twitter, but I’m far from knowing all of its amazing powers! […]

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Me, in my educational nutshell

Well, against all odds, here I go! But before I dig in, I think a little background information on my life is needed so that anyone who reads this will understand me! First and foremost, I am the mother to four beautiful boys! They are […]

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