Hold on to the Good

I’ve had a lot of ugly in my life lately, and the stress it’s created has been almost unbearable. Camping has been an important escape and has provided a break from carrying that stress day in and day out. I’m also grateful that the situation […]

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Selfless or Selfish

I am selfless. I care a whole heck of a lot. I care what people think. I care what people do. I want the people around me to be happy, to be learning, to be cared for. I want them to feel loved and supported. […]

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Fractured Mindset

Four weeks ago, my oldest son got a hoverboard for his birthday. He tested it out in the house, and my husband and I did, too. We then took to the front street to try it some more, and my son quickly got the hang […]

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Hopefully May Will Be Better

I came across this tweet by my friend Thaddeus Bourassa last night and it hit home. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been struggling for the last…. oh say… 13 months. There have been ups and downs through the pandemic, although I feel like […]

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Wellness and Self-Care Calories

I had just finished my 4th round of a pretty intense workout with my personal trainer, and I was feeling strong! I was amazed that I could do the exercises he had given me, including deadlifts, one arm planks in push-up position, hip thrusters with […]

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Kids Are Superheroes

As we are about to hit the one year mark of the pandemic here in North America, there has been a lot of focus on the incredibly important and selfless job that health care workers have done. There has been emphasis placed on the struggles […]

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In the Heart Work Business

Yesterday, I took my son, Brooks, for an imaging study of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. He was born with duodenal atresia (which is essentially a blockage in the intestine) and needed surgery at birth to repair it so that he could eat and digest […]

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Space & Goals

It is January 12th, 2021. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolution? After only 12 days, some might be thriving, some might have thrown in the towel already, and others might have falling off the rails but are committed to continue trying. Maybe […]

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