Breathe Amidst the Gasps

From March until the end of June, I did not breathe. I was constantly gasping for air. One gasp after another, to provide temporary relief that lasted seconds… until another gasp was needed. Repeat. Over and over. No exhale. Just inhale. Never a true breath. […]

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Mountains and Straws Are Making Me Pause

Right now, I’m struggling. And not long after I began writing this post, my friend Thaddeus Bourassa tagged me in this tweet… talk about timely! #Educators are used to climbing mountains, but these past 3 months we have been carrying them. We all have & […]

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Rest to Continue the Quest

I’ve been running consistently for almost two years now and the only reason I’ve been able to maintain it is because small goals lead to big results. I’ve written about this before and have shared how the question I get asked most often, as a […]

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Giving Grace Through the Exhaustion

Do you ever have those moments where you’re not exactly sure what’s going on, your mind is completely unorganized, you can’t think straight, and you can’t pinpoint it, but you’re feeling a little off, or lost, or “something”? I’ve been feeling like this a lot […]

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Doubt and Hope: I See You

This quote me stopped me dead in my tracks… probably because I am constantly full of doubts. Doubts as a mom. Doubts as a wife. Doubts as a teacher. And truth be told, the doubts in my mind lately are bigger than ever. It probably […]

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The Isolation Paradox

When my oldest son was born nearly 10 years ago, I felt completely alone. Isolated. Even the postpartum nurse who was supposed to come over and check in on us changed every time for some reason. There was no consistency in the help and advice […]

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Feeling Valued

It’s quite simple, being valued and feeling valued are two very different things. Do the people that you value in your life know it? Do they feel valued? Last week, during spring break (I swear, it was spring break even though it looks like the […]

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Dear parent

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you might remember my posts Dear teacher, and Dear mama (who is also a teacher), where I wrote myself letters in order to give myself a little grace. Today, I feel the […]

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Perspective vs. Comparison

My heart is heavy. I am so thankful that many amazing educators around the world have been writing helpful blog posts with many resources that we can all use in this time of uncertainty while we are expected to continue students’ learning at home. And […]

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