Self-Care Is Not Enough

Recently, I wrote about my depression. It was important for me to vocalize that, although very hard, I needed to be able to put myself first. I deserved more and I needed to step back to catch my breath. I was worth it, and so […]

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Worth It

During the holidays, my family and I had several movie nights, as I imagine many did because… Covid! One night, we picked “Encanto” and I was probably more excited than my boys simply because the music in this film is by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Not far […]

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You Can’t Stop the Rain

You can’t stop the rain. Whether it’s drizzling or pouring, you don’t have control over it. You can, however, grab an umbrella. You don’t need to get soaked. You don’t need to stand in the rain. But, what happens when it’s been raining for days, […]

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Hopefully May Will Be Better

I came across this tweet by my friend Thaddeus Bourassa last night and it hit home. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been struggling for the last…. oh say… 13 months. There have been ups and downs through the pandemic, although I feel like […]

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Kids Are Superheroes

As we are about to hit the one year mark of the pandemic here in North America, there has been a lot of focus on the incredibly important and selfless job that health care workers have done. There has been emphasis placed on the struggles […]

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Finding Joy Amidst the Struggles

It’s no secret that I am struggling… that most teachers are struggling right now. I shared in my last post, Will We, Though? that I’m not so certain that we will come out of this stronger, as most people say when talking about the hardships […]

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Will We, Though?

A note before you read this post… I have been finding comfort lately in reading about teachers’ realities and talking with educators who are experiencing and feeling the same things as I am. This post is simply meant to validate feelings. I am not looking […]

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Everything Is a Stepping Stone

This is what I wrote in a blog post in December of 2019 where I explained how small goals lead to big results: This post is all about making small manageable goals. Goals that you will be able to maintain and turn into habits. Goals […]

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Energy is Currency

Last week, I headed back to the gym for the first time since March. Although since then, I have been focusing on running and getting stronger in that area, I was desperately missing what hot yoga offers, except I hadn’t even realized it. Don’t get […]

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