
Phew, it had been over 3 years, but I was finally able to attend an in-person conference once again and headed to Teach Better 2022 last month. Tied to this trip, I was also able to run the Columbus half marathon with some amazing friends […]

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Reflect. Share. Grow.

Blogging has become one of my passions over the last couple of years, and although I am certainly far from being an expert (who’s an expert anyway?), I definitely have some experience from both writing posts and reading a bunch of them. This post will […]

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Pirate Day 2018

One of the biggest reasons I went into teaching was because of my second grade teacher. She saw past my academic struggles and created incredible learning experiences that I still remember to this day. One of my favourites was when my classmates and I headed […]

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Find Your Voice

Grandma & Writing Making and taking the time to write has been a challenge for me lately. I could probably list a million and one reasons why; life is absolutely crazy, but it was even busier last year and I was writing more then. I […]

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Creating the Best You

Meeting the needs of our learners is a complex task. First, it’s important to consider those we serve, to really get to know them and build relationships. What I did last year won’t necessarily work with my students this year, and vice-versa. Constantly adjusting our […]

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Keep Rolling Those Snowballs

This week, I came across this post on Facebook: “It is truly unbelievable that the use of cell phones is not banned in *name of district* high schools, universally.” It stopped me dead in my tracks. When I see things like this, I’m never sure […]

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