Rise Up #IWD2020

Last night at the very end of my hot yoga class, the instructor said softly that she had a gift for us. She proceeded to pass out cold cloths infused with orange essential oils for us to place on our forehead, eyes, neck, or wherever […]

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Guilt: Feel It to Heal It

Last week, as I was experiencing some big emotions before the beginning of another school year, I wrote myself a letter, which I shared in my post Dear mama (who is also a teacher). I also did this during another hard moment towards the end […]

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Letting go of the Guilt in this Moment

It was Christmastime 2011, and my husband and I, and our oldest (and only child at the time) were between houses. We had sold our house, and when the new house we were building was delayed, we moved in with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend, […]

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Guilty As Charged!

Here’s a blog post that I started writing a month ago, and never got around to finishing. It’s very interesting to me how my perspective has shifted in that time. Here is what I wrote a month ago: A couple of weeks ago, I read […]

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Balance vs. Meaning #IMMOOC

Last night, the first episode of season two of #IMMOOC went live and it didn’t disappoint. As always, George Couros and Katie Martin led a very inspiring discussion with guest speakers John Spencer and AJ Juliani that engaged and empowered their viewers. Although I participated in the first round of IMMOOC, this […]

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