‘Twas the End of the Year

‘Twas the end of the year, dreams poised to ignite, In the hush of the night, goals prepared to take flight. One words are chosen, resolutions are set New mindsets emerge, with the best of intent. But before moving on, reflect, reminisce, Celebrate the past […]

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PheMOMenal Teacher

The moment has arrived… my book, PheMOMenal Teacher: Pursue Your Dreams and still Be Your Best Self at Work and at Home, is OUT!! I am officially a published author! Woah! The Secret Is…There Is No Secret Do you ever look to people you admire, […]

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Psst… I Have Something to Share

Some of you have been following my blog from the very beginning, which was in September 2016. That means some of you have been here for 7 years now! SEVEN! Woah! Others, have joined somewhere along the way. Whenever we have connected is irrelevant! I […]

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