
Phew, it had been over 3 years, but I was finally able to attend an in-person conference once again and headed to Teach Better 2022 last month. Tied to this trip, I was also able to run the Columbus half marathon with some amazing friends […]

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Starting the Year on the Right Foot

All educators know how important it is to establish class culture and expectations or agreements at the very beginning of the school year. Relationships come first, always, but building on those to make sure everyone feels safe in the classroom is essential. We want students […]

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In the Heart Work Business

Yesterday, I took my son, Brooks, for an imaging study of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. He was born with duodenal atresia (which is essentially a blockage in the intestine) and needed surgery at birth to repair it so that he could eat and digest […]

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Finding Joy Amidst the Struggles

It’s no secret that I am struggling… that most teachers are struggling right now. I shared in my last post, Will We, Though? that I’m not so certain that we will come out of this stronger, as most people say when talking about the hardships […]

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The Isolation Paradox

When my oldest son was born nearly 10 years ago, I felt completely alone. Isolated. Even the postpartum nurse who was supposed to come over and check in on us changed every time for some reason. There was no consistency in the help and advice […]

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Dear parent

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you might remember my posts Dear teacher, and Dear mama (who is also a teacher), where I wrote myself letters in order to give myself a little grace. Today, I feel the […]

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Rise Up #IWD2020

Last night at the very end of my hot yoga class, the instructor said softly that she had a gift for us. She proceeded to pass out cold cloths infused with orange essential oils for us to place on our forehead, eyes, neck, or wherever […]

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All My Love for Matthew

Every time I sit down to write this post, I get overwhelmed and end up deleting everything I wrote. I’m giving up on this post being organized or even coherent. I am going to let my heart do the talking, because all I really hope […]

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