The Necessity of Authenticity

Relationship might be my most used tag in my blogs, and it’s obvious why. I love how the quote above from The Innovator’s Mindset written by George Couros was represented visually in his latest book with Katie Novak, Innovate Inside the Box. It all starts with […]

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You Are Never Alone

Last Thursday, I was anxious. Last Thursday, I felt like a failure. Last Thursday, I didn’t feel worthy. Last Thursday, I didn’t feel like enough. A few weeks ago, I was approached to see if I’d be willing to collaborate with a colleague from another […]

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It’s the Simple Things

Last week was a hard week. On Monday, I went to school and by the first recess, I noticed that my voice was starting to go. This isn’t the first time that this happens, and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but any teacher […]

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Dear mama (who is also a teacher)

As I sat around the campfire during our family’s last camping trip of the season and reflected on the last two months of summer spent with my four boys, I couldn’t help but think of my post: Dear teacher which I wrote towards the end […]

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The Power (or not) of Relationships

Most educators understand the importance of relationships. Relationships are the foundation that we need to build on in our classrooms and schools. I am much more receptive to critical feedback or even simply just learning something new if it comes from someone who I know […]

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“Just” #ISTE in Philly

Everything happens for a reason, right? I loved how my Uber driver reminded me of this when he was bringing my best friend Nycol Didcote and me back to the airport last week. I’m not an Uber expert, we actually don’t even have Uber where […]

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Dear teacher

Dear teacher, As the year begins to wind down, I know that all the doubts imaginable start to creep into your mind. You are tired. You are worn down. And you begin to feel as though you didn’t do enough. You didn’t give enough. You […]

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Love Goes a Long Way

Last weekend, my oldest son Caden, had his last regular season hockey game. I was sad that I wasn’t able to make it to cheer him on and encourage him, but I had already committed to something else and I couldn’t back down. I wanted […]

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Challenges. Soft Skills. Growth.

Spring is finally upon us and with that, new activities begin. My three youngest boys start soccer this week, but my oldest decided against soccer this spring. Caden played hockey this winter (Go White Jets Go), and once the season was over, he was asked […]

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