PheMOMenal Teacher

The moment has arrived… my book, PheMOMenal Teacher: Pursue Your Dreams and still Be Your Best Self at Work and at Home, is OUT!! I am officially a published author! Woah! The Secret Is…There Is No Secret Do you ever look to people you admire, […]

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Psst… I Have Something to Share

Some of you have been following my blog from the very beginning, which was in September 2016. That means some of you have been here for 7 years now! SEVEN! Woah! Others, have joined somewhere along the way. Whenever we have connected is irrelevant! I […]

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Every Storm…

You know you’re a teacher if you’ve cried after school on numerous occasions, have eaten a whole box of Halloween candy while doing report cards, and have seriously contemplated changing professions. You know you’re a mother if you’ve wondered what your life might look like […]

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Dear parent

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you might remember my posts Dear teacher, and Dear mama (who is also a teacher), where I wrote myself letters in order to give myself a little grace. Today, I feel the […]

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Rise Up #IWD2020

Last night at the very end of my hot yoga class, the instructor said softly that she had a gift for us. She proceeded to pass out cold cloths infused with orange essential oils for us to place on our forehead, eyes, neck, or wherever […]

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Homework Woes

I hate homework. There, I said it. As a teacher, and as a mom of four, I truly and honestly hate homework. Aside from the fact that there is no research that proves that there are any benefits to homework at the elementary level, and […]

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Guilt: Feel It to Heal It

Last week, as I was experiencing some big emotions before the beginning of another school year, I wrote myself a letter, which I shared in my post Dear mama (who is also a teacher). I also did this during another hard moment towards the end […]

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Dear mama (who is also a teacher)

As I sat around the campfire during our family’s last camping trip of the season and reflected on the last two months of summer spent with my four boys, I couldn’t help but think of my post: Dear teacher which I wrote towards the end […]

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I Am Not Perfect

On Friday morning, I was laying in bed sick, and came across the article ‘Self-care’ is not enough to fix how much moms are burnt out by Diana Spalding. Although I strongly encourage you to read the whole post which literally stopped me dead in […]

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